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Christopher Babayode
Dec 28, 20213 min read
Grounding Tools: The Traveller Toolkit for the Post-Pandemic Flier
What has business travel got to do with Grounding? How to shake off that yucky feeling after a flight to work productively and healthily.

Christopher Babayode
Dec 3, 20213 min read
Oura ring: The Traveller Toolkit for the Post-Pandemic Flier
Business travel is starting again, how build your own travel wellness kit to keep you safe healthy and thriving while you travel.

Christopher Babayode
May 30, 20203 min read
What is the Soundtrack of Your Health Life?
Jay-Z used the metaphor of the music you habitually listen to as the soundtrack to your life in an interview a while ago and I and liked...

Christopher Babayode
Nov 10, 20144 min read
EMR Pollution and The Business Traveller
An article about Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) published in Townsend Letter, The Examiner of Alternative Medicine (November 2014)...

Christopher Babayode
Jul 29, 20143 min read
Wearable Tech and Productivity.
Healthy Wearables its all about the feedback When Google Glass first debuted I was one of those wondering and (quietly scoffing) about...

Christopher Babayode
Mar 26, 20122 min read
Cloud Computing The Business Flier & The Not So Perfect Storm
Todd Nielsen’s article The Perfect Storm For Cloud Computing  (Wired Magazine) is exciting and alarming at the same time. The excitement...
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